Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mar 15, Letter Home

Whasts up everyone? Things are going just pretty normal here, Im still in Praia and transfers arent for another 4 weeks so i still at least have a little while here. This week was pretty good work wise but nothing too crazy happened. One thing that was kinda funny was one day our lesson fell through so we were just out doing contacts, and we knocked on the door of this old catholic lady who let us in. We started talking to her and we started the lesson with a prayer that my companion was giving. Right during the middle of the prayer though i start hearing a bunch of noise in the room so i peak my eye open, and i saw a goat being chased by a dog in the room. The dog was barking and the goat was baahhhing and when the old lady saw it, she jumped up and started chasing them both around trying to get them out of the house, while my companion was still praying. I just sat there and watched the whole thing and by the time my companion finished the prayer, all three of them were out of the house. It was one of the more interesting prayers i have been involved in in my life. You never really know exactly what you are going to get here, so that makes life pretty interesting. I also just realized just how small the world really is. There is a kid here that lives in Praia and he was serving in Mozambique until he got sent home not to long ago named Jamante. I was talking to him last p day and he was telling me how he was really good friends with Christian Darias there and that Christian is now zone leader and everything. I found it kinda weird though that i was on an island in the middle of nowhere talking with some kid that knows one of my good friends from africa. It was cool though and speaking of Mozambique, a kid from my first area that always comes and teaches with us and that has been with me since i got here in the mission just got his call to mozambique which was really cool! There are 4 that are going to be leaving there which is kinda strange cause they usually get there calls here, so it looks like we are going to be getting quite a few americans here.
> The work has been going really well in our area though and has picked up quite a bit. This week we were able to get 9 new investigators which is pretty good and we also got quite a few lessons. As for that Denny kid with the grandma, we havent had much luck with talking to him which is kinda sad. Our families are doing really well though and that one has a goal to be getting married within about a month and hopefully we can get the whole family baptized right after. We played soccer with Carlos (the guy of the family) this morning like always and he is amazing. He played on the fogo international team so he is really talented and everything. We are also going to go visit the resteraunt where Jilmara works (the girl) and get some food. Supposedly they have the biggest hamberger here in Cabo Verde so i am getting pretty excited to go check it out and eat it.
> Other than that the work is going pretty well but still has its challenges. We have lots of people who will mark appointments with us but when we show up, they are either not there or they just make a dumb excuse and try to mark another day. It first that used to get kinda discouraging, but now i have learned to just use that time to find the people who are more interested in talking with us and that really have a desire to hear what we say. It means more walking and more batting doors, but at least our lessons our a lot more meaningful. An example of those types of people is a family that we used to teach. We would always show up there to teach and lots of the time he would either sit on his computer and work while we taught or just not even bother showing up. They were all talk but they wouldnt do anything we said. We had a few months with them but lately we just stopped marking with them and use that time to talk with other people. Now when we see them in the streets they always say how we need to come back and teach them, but we never mark cause they never even bother keeping the appointment. We pass by if we are in the area and have time but if not we do more important stuff. Lots of people kinda just like to take advantage of us and dont realize it takes work to get to there house, but now we are starting to find the better people. Its still hard though, yesterday we had all afternoon marked and yet only one of the people were actually there. Thats the mission life though.
> This week shouldnt be anything to great. We got district conference (life stake back home) this weeked and all the members from the whole island will be coming. We are also going up to the other side of the island in tarrafal next p day to hang out on the beach so that should be pretty fun. Other than that its just the regular work.

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