Friday, March 4, 2011

Jan 3, 2011

So how are you guys doing and how is 2011 going? It sounds like its pretty cold there! This week was a little bit longer for me here but it was still alright. The main reason for that was because of new years... these people here definitely like to party, so it didnt help having new years eve on friday night cause that just made all of the parties last the whole weekend until sunday! On new years eve we had to be at home at 6 because of all the partying so we didnt have a whole lot of time to even work that day with our weekly planning that morning. So that night E. Olson and I got in the house and just kinda hung out there... we made a bbq chicken pizza that was delicious and just did a puzzle and played a few games and stuff. We werent even allowed to have other missionaries come over and hang out with us but at least i had a cool companion to spend it with. We also sat on our balcony and watched all the people by their house and they were crazy, everyone was drunk and just partying! At midnight we went up on our roof and watched the firework show which actually lasted about 15 minutes and was probably better than anything i ever saw back at home besides the stadium of fire, it was way cool, and then we just headed to bed. Its a good thing i was tired because people were loud all night and the parties didnt stop until about 10 the next morning. When we went out to work new years morning both of our lessons fell through so we just went and did contacts but the only people that were really interested in talking to us were all the drunk guys on the way home from their parties. I cant even tell you guys how many times i got hugged by drunk guys that morning! Everyone just kept telling us they had to hurry and go him and get to sleep so that they could have their rest to get out and party even more that night! So anyways that was our new years here... to tell the truth im kinda glad the holiday season is over cause it made the work hard! We had so many people who told us to come by their houses but not until after the new year. Things should get normal again.

We also had a little disappointment this week with our best investigator Sandra. She is the one in her 30s and who started coming to church from her friend that is a member. So she was supposed to get baptized this next week, but she had a little bit of alcohol new years eve so now it will have to be put back for a couple more weeks. I dont think she understood the whole importance of that commandment before so i guess its kinda a good thing she did it so now she knows. She doesnt really have any problems though with it, its just a once in a while thing. She is still way strong though! We have another investigator that should be getting baptized about the same week too. We are keeping up the search for new people too.

Everyone in the branch is pretty cool here and they are trying to help us out. We actually got to head over to the elders quorom/ releif society party for dinner last tuesday and eat dinner which wasnt bad. We had lunch at my favorite members house yesterday too. He is cabo verdian but was born in brazil and he is in the district presidency here. He speaks perfect english and is more american than anything. They are an awesome family and way fun to hang out with... i will definitely have to keep in touch with all these people after the mission.

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