Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year- Jan 4, 2010

Hey everyone happy 2010! How was it? It was quite the party here! The 31st we know that it would be impossible for the people to keep their appointments because people have hard times as it is... so we didnt even bother marking any that afternoon on. Instead we played to just do contacts in an area where we never work... up on the Plateua which is where all the city building and apartments are. So we went and did that and it went really well, we taught a couple really good lessons just with some random people and lots of others told us to come back. The missionaries never really work there because they like the poor areas better because the people are more humble and willing to accept it... but we decided the other people needed a chance too and our president was thinking we should do that too after we talked about it in our interviews. We are starting to kinda switch our teaching up to there now just cause we are getting more references and stuff up there. We taught some more people there this weekend and on Friday night, taught a 22 year old guy that is a soldier up inside the base. It was kinda different teaching with all the other soldiers hanging out around us but it was really cool. We are working hard on finding new people to teach cause some of our other investigators are kinda being lazy and not showing up to our appointments and church and stuff. Dí, (the rapper) was doing so good until his baptismal interview came and all the sudden he just fell off the face of the earth and didnt even show up. We havent seen him for a couple days, and some others are having those same types of problems.
> So anyways back to New Years, after contacting we had to be back at our house at 7. So once we got there we just hang out and made homemade pizza and stuff (thats kinda my specialty now). Then i just laid in bed that night until about 11:50, then went out to our main room to watch the clock strike 2010. I didnt know exactly when it would be because my clocks not exactly on, but all the sudden out of no where every single person in praia just started screaming and honking and everything, so it wasnt to hard to tell. Me and my companion hurried and ran up on top of our roof and we had a perfect view of the fire works they had.. and to my surprise they were amazing! They celebrate it way more here then at home, i was so surpised. The whole city was just out in the streets screaming till about 12:30, then i finally went to bed and fell asleep and woke back up at 6:30 to start the day, and nothing had even changed! Music was still blasted up, cars still honking, people still screaming! It went on until about 11 in the morning, it was so loud that i couldnt even concentrate studying. So then we went out and worked during the day and all the sudden it got really quite, everyone just fell asleep cause they were so tired from partying! Its like the whole town just died, it was funny though cause everyone was just out sleeping wherever they wanted... out on the sidewalks and just outside their houses and everything. It was kinda hard to find people to teach cause half the people were hung over, but we were able to get some good lessons in. Then that night, it all started back up again, everyone just started partying like they were the night before... it lasted the whole weekend until sunday! These people like their parties. But so that was my new years here, it was pretty different. Everything is going good here though. I will make sure to write you guys again to let you know what else is happening

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