Sunday, July 18, 2010

June 14, 2010

Thats crazy that p day is already here again, it seems like just yesterday that i was at this internet place e mailing you guys. So i will do my best to think of some new things going on. One thing is that its looking like my arm is going to have to be amputated...... just kidding, but seriously sometimes its looking that way. I have had a rash on my right forearm for probably about 6 weeks now and everytime we put cream on it, it looks like my rash just feeds off it and gets 8 times bigger. The mission dotor that is based in england came here a couple weeks ago, and he didnt know anything but he sent some pics back to salt lake to the skin dotor there and i think they have some medicine on the way for me. All the praia people say its because its too hot here but i think its more cause they just throw trash in the road and the water here is orange, i think i will be cured when i leave praia to a better place. So some other news is that we have a baptism coming up this saturday with a way cool guy. His name is Duku and he is 19, he´s looking mission ready. In that pic that i sent with me and two guys he is the one on the left, and that one in the middle is the one from that family we baptized, they walk with us a lot so its cool. We also have some baptisms coming up on the 3rd of july and Carlos and Gilmara´s wedding/baptism the 17th of July so i dont think i will be able to see it. It kinda sucks but i will make sure to get pics of it and stuff.... they still dont know that transfers are before so wilson keeps telling me im baptizing him and everything. It will be sad to leave them but we will just have to see what happens. We also had a baptism last saturday, but it was more just from the branch. It was a 9 year old girl who had been going to the other branch with her grandma for 4 years so we just had to hurry and teach her everything so she could get baptized. There was some confusion between the branches who would be holding the baptism so when the girl with all of her family got there to the church it was just us and them without a single member. So they just though it would be the next week so we left but i guess president of the other branch ended up coming over and they did it after so we didnt even get to see it. It was kinda the classic examply of this country that if the missioinaries dont take care of everything, its not going to happen. Its kinda sad but thats just how it is... lets just say the church isnt as stable here as it is back at home.

Some other big news is the world cup of soccer thats going on. I dont know if you guys have seen anything on the tv on it back at home but its a big deal here. Its kinda harder to get lessons because games are on all day everyday but we still have our stud investigators who put us before the games. I hear america tied england, thats kinda a big deal because nobody gives american any respect in football and england is one of the best. We will have to see where they go. Speaking of america i get some weird reactions in the street sometimes for being american... like yesterday for example. I was walking through the street and a guy came up to me and saluted me for about a minute straight. It was funny... i also had a crazy lady that came up to me and my companion and tried to tickle us haha we had to walk fast to get away from here. Well thats about all the updates ive got.

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