Sunday, July 18, 2010

June 28, 2010

Well we are here in the last week of the transfers... pretty crazy how fast it flew by! This transfer has been pretty cool and i´ve enjoyed it, my companion was chill but he works hard too so it was pretty fun. As for where i am going next week.... I kinda know but at the same time, i have said that a lot of other transfers and it hasnt happened so im thinking you guys probably wont even take me seriously if i say it so we will leave it for next week for when i actually get there. Just know that one thing is for sure, im going to be flying off of this island, thats one thing that im 100 percent on.

So this week we had our zone leaders counsel and it went really good. President Neves just kinda threw out some new goals and also some challenges in the mission and we had to discuss some solutations and ways we could help out all of our zones and the mission. We had a good time and got a lot done, im learning a lot by being zone leader. Its kinda crazy how fast this time has and that im already finishing up my 4th transfer as zone leader, there is now not a zone leader that has been zone leader for longer than me, they all have less time besides 2 who became leaders the same time as me. Our mission has lots of young missionaries now so thats why its like that.

We also had a missionary work fireside last night that was really good. The choir from praia sang a bunch of missionary songs and they are really good and a bunch of the people here gave some good talks. We brough carlos and duku too it which was cool.... carlos obviously wont be serving a mission cause he is a family man now but duku has the age to serve one and i think there he might decide to serve. He is already geting a call and everything in the church so he is going to stay really strong, he has a really good testimony too. One huge problem in the church here is that tons of people will stay really strong for just a few month and then just fall away out of no where. There are TONS of non active members here, half the people i talk to in the street say they were baptized and some point. It kinda sucks to see that and it makes me not want to baptize anyone unless i can tell that they are actaully ready. A really cool thing though is being outside of utah its easy to see how fast the church is growing. Its growing a lot here but also we run into lots of people here that have family in boston who became members when they got there. People will always show us pictures of their family back in america from when they got baptized and stuff... its pretty sweet.

So besides that not a whole lot new has happened this week. USA lost to ghana which is making things harder on me since im in an african country. People from mainland africa keep coming up to me and saying " I told you ghana was going to win" They even say that even if i never talked with them before the game. The world cup is still huge here andwe cant walk anywhere without hearing the game going on in all the bars and stuff.

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