Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19, the countdown has begun

How´s everything going back at home? Everything is going pretty good out here and this week has gone by pretty fast. I think time is going to start picking up now that i have one year, everyone says it starts going a lot faster and that im just on the downhill part now! It still seems like its a long time though so i will have to keep working hard to make the time pick up.
Well this week was a little more busy with other things compared to the other weeks where all we do is teaching. One reason is because of our zone conference that we had on Friday. President and everyone flew up here this week for it and it went pretty well. My companion and i gave a training about the book of mormon in conversion of investigators and i think it was my favorite training i have given so far, we did a few different pratices and made it fun and everyone actually participated in it which didnt happen in the other ones. We also had a few activities in the district here like a missionary fireside last night. All of us missionaries sang in it but i dont know why cause none of us even sing good, but it was still pretty fun. The district president here and his counselors are all really cool guys and they gave some good talks. Part of our district here is santo antao (my companions home town) so he had his whole branch here this week and all of his friends and everything. He his seen all of his brothers and sisters and family in the mission besides his mom and dad so far and he runs into other people who knows from there all the time... a little different from living 6000 miles away from everyone. He is a really nice guy but there are some things about him that make me kinda excited for transfers in 4 weeks to get my new companion. He is kinda like a robot in missionary work and doesnt really have a personality, he teaches teaches exactly how things are written in the books word for word. He doesnt like to have any fun either... for p day all he ever wants to do is sit in the house which makes it really boring. I can deal with it for one more month though cause im thinking i will get an american for the next one. There are some other really cool missionaries in the district too which make it fun when i am with them. Elder Balls who i have been with since the mtc is right by me and his companion is elder rogers which is another one of my best friends of the mission. I dont know if you guys ever heard of benjaman rogers but he was 2nd string fullback behind mongnase tonga at byu this last season and he is on a full scolarship to play for when he gets home. He says he started a few games and quite about 30 carries this last year. He is a stud and i think him, e. balls, and i will probably live together in his condo in provo when he gets back from his mission. I was wanting to try to play football down at snow or something but he says a lot of those schools play favorites but bronco mendenhall at byu will take the ones that know how to work hard, so i might go give it a try there. We still got a year though so who knows.

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