Monday, November 8, 2010

Sorry I am so far behind- July 26

Time is going by super fast!!! It sounds super hot there, i guess its the hottest time of the year right? The temperature here never gets up like it does back at home, i think its usually about 85 here, but it feels just as hot, its just a different type of hot. Here the sun is just always beating down on you and it feels a lot closer and the humidity just makes it ten times worse. I would actually rather work outside back at home than here. However, the rainy season is just right around the corner... which will be good and bad. I really miss the rain and it will be nice to have cloud cover and stuff so thats a good thing. The only problem is that the day after the storm is 10 times hotter than even your normal hot day here. I dont know why that is but it get super hot here right after the storms. We have already had a couple sprinkles and i think that the storms will start happening more in august and they will probably last for about a month or two. Mindelo overall is a little cooler than praia though so its an upgrade. As for our branch it is still really week but there are still a few really cool members that help us out. I dont know if i told you guys this or not but this is actually the home branch of my mission president. He wrote me an e mail today and told me that because of some things that have happened in the past the branch has kinda lost trust in the missioinaries and the work hasnt really gone anywhere. He said that in his 2 years as mission president, he has only seen two different companionships that have made a difference here in this area. But because of those two companionships 4 guys were baptized in this area, two of which just barely left on missions this week and another two that are filling out there papers right now. So i am just gonna try to work hard and hopefully good stuff happens. In sacrament yesterday i gave a talk and also one of the members of the district presidency who just so happens to be my mission presidents brother and it was actually really good. Hopefully things can change around. As for the p days here, there are lots of fun things to do but my companion doesnt want to do anything besides hang out at here house which really sucks! This city is way fun, it is actually like a tourist city and lots of cruise ships will stop here because there is quite a bit to do. There are tons of really cool shops to get souvenirs and stuff but it looks like this transfer i wont really be taking advantage of them. My companion has a long time in this area so its pretty much for sure that he will leave and i will be getting a new companion. The transfers kinda work by logic and its looking like my next companion will be a way cool elder from utah so that would be really fun and we would be able to do a lot of cool stuff on p day. And what month of the new era was that story dad, that would be really cool to share with people here. We get an hour of language study each day and for mine i like to just read the new eras in portuguese cause i can learn new words and stuff. I will have to look for that story, but right now i am reading all the conference talks from last conference. Well thats about all thats going on for now here. The highlight of this next week will be on wednesday when we head over to sal to spend the day there, i will make sure to get a bunch of pictures of it and also of mindelo to send you guys for next time.

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